Restore Alaska’s Voting System

End Ranked Voting!

Repeal Ranked Choice Voting

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“[Ranked Choice Voting] is more complex, obscure and unfair. [It] protects the power of Outside special interest groups to spend dark money.”
- Loren Leman, Former Lt. Governor
"The [Ranked Choice Voting] system also encourages political trickery. ...Alaskans shouldn’t have to doubt that their votes count.”
- Mark Begich (former US senator) and Sean Parnell (former governor) as quoted in Must Read Alaska, July 27, 2020.

Polls Show Most Alaskans Support Traditional Elections & Want to End Rank Voting

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In 2020, a Colorado-based political-action committee, Unite America, spent more than $1 million dollars to upend Alaska’s election system and impose a confusing “ranked voting” process that suppressed voter turnout in 2022 and threw out thousands of voters’ ballots through “ballot exhaustion.” That’s just wrong. Instead, we believe every vote should count, and be as simple as ‘I picked my top candidate.’

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